Corporate Commitee

Through the integration of industry value-chain with our global business, Giant Group has been able to show our partners more possibilities in innovation and development through our meaningful partnership.


Audit Committee's work highlights are as follows

  1. Adoption or amendment of internal management system pursuant to Article 14-1 of the Securities and Exchange Act.

  2. Assessment of the effectiveness of the internal management system.

  3. Adoption or amendment of procedures for acquisition or disposal of assets, derivative transactions, lending of funds to others, or endorsement or guarantee of others for critical financial operations in accordance with Article 36-1 of the Securities and Exchange Act.

  4. Issues concerning directors' interests

  5. Critical transactions of assets or derivatives.

  6. Critical asset loans, endorsements or guarantees.

  7. Solicitation, issuance or private placement of marketable securities of equity nature.

  8. Appointment, dismissal or compensation of CPA.

  9. Appointment and dismissal of finance, accounting or internal audit supervisors.

  10. Annual financial report and semi-annual financial report.

  11. Other critical matters as stipulated by Giant Group or competent authority.

Communication between independent directors and chief audit executive and accountants

  1. Giant Group appointed three independent directors and established an audit committee at the shareholders' meeting on June 22, 2018.

  2. Independent directors and accountants meet regularly each year and accountants shall provide reports to independent directors regarding Giant Group's financial state, financials and overall operations of Giant Group's overseas subsidiaries and internal management audits.

  3. Chief audit executive and independent directors will meet regularly (at least once per quarter) to provide reports on the status of Giant Group's internal audits and internal management operations.

  4. Chief audit executive, accounts and independent directors are able to communicate directly with one another whenever necessary.

Summary of communication between independent directors and chief audit executive and accountants

Date of Meeting Items communicated with chief audit executive Items communicated with accountants Suggestions and results
2022.03.25 Audit Committee
December, 2021 - February, 2022 Internal Audit Report
Approval of 2021 Internal Management Self-Assessment Results
2021 Annual Financial Statements
No objections
2022.05.11 Audit Committee
2022 March - April Internal Audit Report
2022 Q1 Financial Statements
No objections
2022.08.05 Audit Committee
2022 May - June Internal Audit Report
2022 Q2 Financial Statements
No objections
2022.11.04 Audit Committee
2022 July - September Internal Audit Report
Approval of 2023 Audit Plan

2022 Q3 Financial Statements
No objections
2022.12.16 Audit Committee
2022 October - November Internal Audit Report
Audit Planning and Key Check Points
No objections

Giant Group's Compensation Committee consists of three members.
Term of office of current committee members: August 06, 2021 to July 07, 2024. (Note: To be convened from December 2021

Title Name Actual Attendance Proxy Attendance Ratio of Actual Attendance Remark/ Note
Committee members
Hung-shou Chen
Committee members
Jui-lin Lo
Committee members
Chun-sheng Ho
Appointed as of August 06, 2021


Other items to be noted

  1. Should the board of directors not adopt or amend the recommendation made by the Compensation Committee, it shall state the date and period of the board meeting, the content of the motion, the result of the board resolution and Giant Group’s treatment of the recommendation of the Compensation Committee (if the Board of Directors adopts a salary and compensation proposal superior to the recommendation of the Compensation Committee, it should state the circumstances and reasons for the difference): None

  2. Should a member of the Compensation Committee have any objection or reservation to a resolution, and if such objection or reservation is recorded or stated in writing, the date and period of the resolution, the content of the motion, the opinions of all members, and the treatment of the opinions of the members shall be stated: None

  3. The following matters were discussed and resolved by the Compensation Committee with no objection Third Motion from Fourth Meeting (December 06, 2019)
    1. Giant Group’s Year-End Bonus Payment Principles and Manager’s Payment Amount for 2019 Fourth Motion from Fourth Meeting (March 13, 2020)
    1.2019 Bonus Distribution for Directors
    2.2019 Bonus Distribution for Managers

Remark/ Note

  1. Should a member of the Compensation Committee leave before the end of the year, the date of departure should be indicated in the Remark column.The actual attendance rate (%) is calculated based on the number of meetings held and the member’s actual attendance during their employment.

  2. Should there be a re-election of the Compensation Committee before the end of the year, both the new and previous members of the Compensation Committee should be listed, and the date of re-election should be indicated in the Remark column. The actual attendance rate (%) is calculated based on the number of meetings held and the actual attendance during their period of employment.

Title Name Audit Committee Compensation Committee
Independent Directors
Hung-shou Chen
Independent Directors
Jui-lin Lo
Independent Directors
Chun-sheng Ho